Thursday, September 3, 2020

Quantitative Analysis

Question: Talk about the Economics and Quantitative Analysis ? Answer : Presentation: An upward rising pattern for online method of instruction is seen in United States of America. During the ongoing years, advanced education part has seen a sharp development in current years. Countless colleges in United States of America give the offices of online method of instruction. The current report comprises of the concise conversation of the examination performed. The information acquired speaks to for pace of graduation and pace of understudies held in the college. Target of the examination: The essential goal of this investigation is to break down the nature of the instruction gave by the colleges of United States. Foundation of the investigation: Throughout the years, an enormous number of instruction foundations in United States are experiencing a few difficulties. Online method of training is viewed as the most mainstream wellspring of instruction. Since the time the development of web, there has been a tremendous extension in online instruction with enormous number of colleges following a similar pattern. A few understudies are encouraged with online training system and colleges utilize powerful instruments to execute such projects. Understudies living at inaccessible spots can pick up the entrance of their investigation material and other educative materials through the assistance of web. The current report takes into the thought the nature of online instruction granted by the colleges. The report additionally sets out the thoughts concerning the techniques for gathering information and alongside the examination of information. The translation of the outcome got from this report gives the inside and out examination of the strategies utilized. Techniques utilized for investigation: The current examination takes into the thought information, which is acquired from twenty-nine colleges of United States. To break down the information a few factual apparatuses are utilized, for example, proportions of focal inclination and proportions of scattering. An examination is drawn estimating the two factors acquired and gives a thought concerning the predominance of practices for online investigation in these colleges. The examination likewise takes into the thought the liner of relapse condition to learn the measure of relationship between the two factors. The connection in the midst of the two factors to be specific the pace of maintenance (RR) and the pace of graduation (GR) is additionally inspected with the assistance of disperse chart. The factual estimates received will help in understanding the relationship between the pace of graduation and the pace of return in the colleges. The measures received will help in understanding the nature of instruction bestowed in these colleges. Results: The pace of return and the pace of graduation are acquired from the proportions of focal inclination and through proportions of scattering. So as to infer the outcomes mean worth, standard deviation, a base and most extreme worth has been figured for the factors. The mean worth sets out the boundaries for the factors. Then again, the normal estimations of the variable in the twenty-nine Universities are given through utilizing the mean worth. Standard deviation speaks to the proportion of scattering. The standard deviation sets out the dissipate dispersion. The base and the greatest qualities gives the idea concerning the expansion of appropriation. Beneath expressed tables gives the estimations; Measures Graduation Rate (GR) Standard for dependability (RR) Mean 41.75862 57.41379 Standard deviation 1.832019 4.315603 Least 25 4 Greatest 61 100 Table 1: Table estimating the spellbinding measurements (Source: As made by creator) Beneath recorded disperse chart has been gotten by embraced the pace of maintenance as free factor. Figure 1: Figure speaking to the dissipate chart of Rate of maintenance and Rate of graduation (Source: As Created by Author) The above expressed dissipate chart is determined by taking into the thought the pace of maintenance along the X pivot and the pace of graduation along the Y hub. The disperse graph speaks to an upward rising pattern. The chart speaks to a positive yet direct relationship among the factors. This speaks to an expansion in the estimation of consistency standard alongside the graduation rate. A relapse condition is performed by taking into the thought the pace of graduation at the X-pivot and the pace of maintenance at the Y variable. Calculation of the outcomes is recorded beneath; The relapse results determined subsequent to registering the above expressed condition sets out the relapse co-proficient rate at 0.284526. The condition of relapse is recorded underneath; Y = 25.4229 + 0.284526*x + e. In the above expressed relapse condition, Y implies the graduation rate in colleges and X means the standard for dependability. The E variable connotes the parts of irregular blunder. The P-Value of the coefficient incline speaks to 6.59 * 10^-5. It is comprehended that the P-Value is lower than the critical degree of 0.05. Consequently, the coefficient slant is impressively various from 0. The P-Value of the capture test speaks to 2.47 * 10^-7. This speaks to that the P-Value is lower than the given degree of essentialness which remained at = 0.05. To finish up with the slant of co-effective is altogether not quite the same as zero worth. Moreover, the relapse coefficient mirrors a positive outcome in the above expressed condition. The outcomes acquired feature the positive relationship in the midst of the pace of graduation (GR) and the pace of maintenance (RR). The outcomes demonstrate that with an expansion in the estimation of graduation rate, the estimation of pace of maintenance likewise increments. The graduation rate and the pace of maintenance speak to the constant variable. By utilizing the apparatuses of relationship co effective relationship in the midst of the two factors is examined. The positive estimation of connection speaks to the immediate connection though the negative worth mirrors a circuitous affiliation. In the beneath expressed table sets out the relationship between's the two factors; Graduation Rate (%) Pace of Retention (%) Graduation Rate (%) 1 Pace of Retention (%) 0.670245 1 Table 2: Table speaking to relationship between's graduation rate and pace of return (Source: As made by creator) The connection coefficient determined remained as 0.670245. Along these lines, it is comprehended that there is an immediate connection among the factors. The balanced R square assists with deciding how great the fitted relapse model is. The balanced R square got from the relapse model stood 0.428829. In this manner, the model isn't respected best as far as bringing down the blunders. Conversation: The goal of the examination of the information is to build up a thought concerning the two factors in particular, graduation rate and the consistency standard. From the investigation it is comprehended that there is noteworthy contrast between the mean worth determined for the two rates. The most extreme worth concerning the pace of maintenance is on the higher side. In this way, standard for dependability is more than the graduation rate. The outcomes got from the relapse investigation speaks to that there is an immediate connection between the two factors. It is imperative to mean that estimation of standard for dependability increments with the graduation rate. End and proposals: To finish up with, the report broke down the greatness of the online instruction in the Universities of United States. Results got from the examination expresses that the pace of graduation is on the higher side in contrast with the pace of maintenance. Following the examination, scarcely any proposals is set down beneath; The balanced R-square speaks to a littler incentive under the relapse investigation. Consequently, the relapse model isn't appropriate with the fitted model. The outcomes got from the relapse investigation just give basic estimation of the informational collection. The size of test is generally little with just 29-example size. The outcomes could have been increasingly proficient had some different procedures of inspecting would have been embraced. References Afifi, A.A. what's more, Azen, S.P., 2014.Statistical investigation: a PC arranged methodology. Scholastic press. Castagliola, P., Achouri, A., Taleb, H., Celano, G. what's more, Psarakis, S., 2015. Observing the coefficient of variety utilizing a variable example size control chart.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,80(9-12), pp.1561-1576. Diggle, P.J., 2014. Factual Analysis of Spatial and Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns. Draper, N.R. furthermore, Smith, H., 2014.Applied relapse investigation. John Wiley Sons. Kleinbaum, D.G., Kupper, L.L., Nizam, A. furthermore, Rosenberg, E.S., 2013.Applied relapse investigation and other multivariable strategies. Nelson Education. Kolaczyk, E.D. furthermore, Csrdi, G., 2014.Statistical investigation of system information with R(pp. 1-5). New York: Springer. Little, R.J. furthermore, Rubin, D.B., 2014.Statistical investigation with missing information. John Wiley Sons. Mannor, S. furthermore, Tsitsiklis, J.N., 2013. Algorithmic parts of meanvariance enhancement in Markov choice processes.European Journal of Operational Research,231(3), pp.645-653. McAuliffe, R.E., 2015. Coefficient of variation.Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Montgomery, D.C., Peck, E.A. furthermore, Vining, G.G., 2015.Introduction to direct relapse examination. John Wiley Sons. Quantitative Analysis Question: Compose an exposition on quantitative investigation. Answer: This specific examination is intended to fabricate a quantitative investigation so as to do a legitimate hazard appraisal for the dangers engaged with the natural pecking order of the association. The quantitative examination should be possible in the two different ways, for example, utilizing essential exploration and utilizing optional exploration strategy (Pierce Sawyer, 2013). Be that as it may, this examination has picked the optional information assortment procedure for directing the quantitative investigation. Along these lines, for leading this specific quantitative analy

Saturday, August 22, 2020

bridging the gap for womens wages :: essays research papers

Overcoming any issues for Women’s Wages      Ã¢â‚¬Å"Somehow, the unsexy issue of the paycheckâ€equal pay for the equivalent or comparable workâ€dropped off the monetary motivation. Be that as it may, it never left the psyches of women† (41). In her article entitled â€Å"A New Campaign for Pay Equity,† liberal writer Ellen Goodman plots the issue concerning the pay hole among people. By portraying the current situation of the pay hole, Goodman brings up that there are things being finished by the administration for the compensation hole, which incorporate implementing the laws that are in presence and proposing that employments of equivalent worth be paid equivalent wages. Goodman at that point expresses that, despite the fact that laws are set up and objectives have been reported, there is as yet a significant leeway in the administration's advancement. She holds that the laws are not being implemented just as they could be and that society needs to change th e manner in which it sees the estimation of ladies' work, or simply work all in all. "Underlying the new battle for pay equity," Goodman accentuates, "are perspectives that are changing quicker than wages" (41). Here, she proposes that individuals are starting to consider why ladies' wages are lower. Goodman clarifies that all together for the issue to be comprehended, the progressions should start on a state level and climb to the national level as force and backing are picked up. Goodman finishes up with a dumbfounding measurement: Because of the sexual orientation hole, ladies' families lose $200 billion every year. This measurement assists Goodman with upholding that in spite of the fact that there are upgrades astir, "[. . .] a large portion of a penny a year just won't cut it.†      I can sincerely say that the first run through or two I read the exposition, I thought that it was difficult to figure a supposition on the subject secured. From the start, I imagined that possibly Goodman was deceiving ladies and simply grumbling. Be that as it may, the more the class dug into the theme, the more I saw that it was really an issue in our general public. My mom has worked in a similar printing industrial facility for over twenty years. She began at eighteen years old, at the least position conceivable and has stirred her way up to turning into the second-most impressive individual in the plant. Her title is Production Supervisor and she is the main lady administrator in the organization. Truth be told, there are just few ladies that are not filling in as brief workers in her organization.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Managing New IT Implementation in Business Firms

Question: Examine about theManaging New IT Implementation in Business Firms. Answer: Presentation: New innovation usage is a typical movement in business organizations. For instance, business organizations actualize new programming frameworks, for example, ERP, CRM, and so forth for robotizing business forms and incorporate various capacities for checking execution and benefits. This subject is picked on the grounds that organizations actualize new advancements, frameworks, and programming and applications to improve business results and to continue themselves in the opposition. The theme is researchable in light of the fact that all in all, new innovation usage can get critical changes the manner in which ordinary work is being done on an everyday premise. Changes allude to adjustments in business tasks, style of working, another methodology in working together procedures and client or representative acknowledgment changes/worker fulfillment. The administration is answerable for guaranteeing representatives adjust rapidly to change and can play out their employments beneficially (Cooper and Zmud, 1990). It is imperative to take note of that executing new innovation frameworks in the firm is ITs obligation, and yet overseeing changes and effect post-usage is the duty of the administration. New innovation executions, as a rule, make an intrigue, and yet the association is affected with numerous difficulties, for example, absence of abilities felt by workers, centralization of control, absence of self-rule, complexities because of new innovation and employment vulnerability. These difficulties are unavoidable in any new IT usage (Zolla, 1999). This task will comprehend business the board difficulties and follows the strategy for an overview survey explicit to new innovation execution to comprehend representative fulfillment in a changed situation. The administration points of view are additionally thought of and the information gathered from workers is dissected to distinguish potential answers for beat difficulties in new innovation execution and furthermore comprehend representative observations to change. Writing Review This area gives a concise survey of writing identified with the picked point. Business firms actualize new innovations to changing business patterns (online entryways, web based business, etc) (Tost, 2010). New advances produce an incentive in the organization however with numerous difficulties in dealing with the new usage (Barton and Krus, 1985). IT is seen as a serious device for rebuilding and improving operational adequacy in business associations (Turner and Laudon, 1988). Gorry and Morton (1971) expressed IT is utilized for administrative dynamic which offered ascend to another device named choice emotionally supportive network (DSS). OBrien and Marakas (2011) underlined that DSS can assist associations with accomplishing more intensity. As indicated by Klein and Sorra (1996), new IT usage must guarantee responsibility of individuals included something else, the organization can run into reception issues. Daniel et al. (2002) respected IT usage give huge effect in routine exercises. A deliberate test looked by organizations while building up the conditions for new IT executions was given by Raza and Standing (2008). There are numerous representative related issues in adjusting to another condition (Banerjee, 2013). Premkumar and Roberts (1999) clarified the stages in new innovation appropriation for the board. Moreover, Weng and Hung (2014) gave the focuses to a smooth change and limiting issues in IT usage when all is said in done. Selection of new advances follows certain systems, for example, innovation acknowledgment model (Davis, 1989), a hypothesis of arranged conduct (Ajzen, 1991), dissemination of development (Rogers, 1983), innovation, association and condition (Tornatzky and Fleischer, 1990, etc. Research Questions Coming up next are the examination questions: How do associations deal with the issues in new IT usage? For what reason are business organizations compelled to receive new innovations? How to oversee changes inside the firm after another IT execution? By what method can new innovation usage be made effective? Destinations The task will comprehend the difficulties looked by associations while new IT framework is executed. The destinations are: Underline the pretended by innovation in associations Investigate the impacting factors that lead to new innovation reception Clarify the job of the board in IT Play out an overview to comprehend the issues in innovation reception Break down information and investigate potential arrangements from consequences of examination Assess and talk about outcomes in settling issues while executing new innovation Approach The picked theme identifies with an administration issue looked by a firm while experiencing huge changes in its working styles or culture and business tasks. The issues emerge because of human conduct consequently standard practices in look into procedure are followed. The philosophy will give impulse to show the targets of this examination and to distinguish suitable responses to explore questions. Research technique causes the specialist to embrace a pragmatic way to deal with getting contemplations and responses of representatives in the firm who are affected by new IT frameworks. Research systems and techniques bolster examiners to determine important ways to deal with authoritative issues (Saunders et al. 2009). In this examination, a deductive methodology alongside inductive strategy is followed. This is on the grounds that the consequences of research must give answers to examine inquiries to this subject. The deductive methodology follows quantitative investigation which is required here. Information is gathered through an overview poll. The survey is regulated to all workers in the association at all levels. The study survey will have set of inquiry articulations to comprehend client acknowledgment in another IT condition. The inquiry explanations will cover the accompanying territories identified with innovation acknowledgment model (TAM). Convenience Similarity Client fulfillment Ease of use Convenience of the new framework Each question explanations will have the choices: Fully Agree, Agree somewhat, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Every client will pick one of these alternatives for each question proclamation. This structures the deductive methodology. Moreover, the client can likewise give emotional criticism to each address explanation to communicate his/her considerations and observations for each question articulation. This emotional or subjective data is likewise gathered and assembled to comprehend representative discernments. This structures inductive derivation. Result The information gathered quantitatively is dissected to see how workers feel in a transformed IT condition as far as value, similarity, levels of fulfillment, etc. The example size of this overview is the quantity of representatives in the association who are influenced by new IT framework utilized for every day work. For example, the examination can give the level of fulfillment of workers in the new setting. In another outcome, if the representatives feel trouble in usability, the administration can consider giving additionally preparing and backing to those staff who are discovering challenges with the IT framework. The examination won't give unmistakable outcomes on business results or measure money related execution. Ends The examination is made to see how business firms can deal with the appropriation of new IT executions. The progressions because of innovation must be figured out how to guarantee representative fulfillment and acknowledgment to the new framework. The examination is finished utilizing an overview survey to comprehend worker observations to hold onto change as new IT usage influences their work essentially. The information is dissected and from the outcomes, bits of knowledge can be acquired for the administration to conquer issues because of changes. The exploration is done to comprehend worker observations to change at the hierarchical level. Further research on this theme can consider money saving advantage examination in new IT and on how cost can be affected because of worker selection issues. References Ajzen, I (1991) The hypothesis of arranged conduct, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process. 50, pp.179-211 Banerji, Sanchita B. (2013) An investigation of issues and difficulties of execution of data innovation in HR, Global Journal of Management and Business Studies. 3 (4), pp.435-440 Barton, D. furthermore, Kraus, W. (1985) Implementing New Technology. [online] Harvard Business Review. Accessible at: new-innovation [Accessed 10 Mar. 2016]. Cooper, R. furthermore, Zmud, R. (1990) Information Technology Implementation Research: A Technological Diffusion Approach, Management Science, 36(2), pp.123-139. Daniel, E., H. Wilson and A. Myers (2002) Adoption of internet business by SME in UK - towards a phase model, International Small Business Journal. 20 (3), pp.253-270 Davis, Fred D. (1989) Perceived Usefulness, Perceived convenience and client acknowledgment in data innovation, MIS Quarterly. 13 (3), pp.319-320 Gorry, G.A. furthermore, M. S. Scott Morton (1971) A Framework for Management Information Systems, Sloan Management Review. 13 (1), pp.55-70 Klein, Katherine J. furthermore, Joann Speer Sorra (1996) The Challenge of Innovation Implementation. Foundation of Management Review. 21 (4), pp.1055-1080 O'Brien, A. James and George M. Marakas (2011) Management Information Systems. tenth Ed. New York: McGraw Hill Irwin. Premkumar, G. furthermore, M. Roberts (1999) Adoption of new data advances in rustic private company, Omega, International Journal of Management Science. 27, pp.467-484 Raza, Syed Arshad and Craig Standing (2008) Systemic Problems in Information Technology Adoption and Use: A Systems Thinking Perspective, Report by School of Management, Faculty of Business Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. Rogers, E. (1983) Diffusion of Innovations. New York: The Free Press. Saunders, Mark, Philip Lewis and Adrian

Monday, June 15, 2020

Admission Testing Resources

The following list contains our most popular admission testing resources and blog posts: 1. Guide to Testing This 90+ page free resource endeavors to be a single source of answers for any questions that could possibly arise related to admission tests. Printed copies are available upon request. 2. Competitive scores Concorded SAT score ranges and ACT score ranges at 360 popular colleges. A useful starting point to gauge relative competitive strength of a students test scores. Also displays admit rate and yield. 3. Comparing scores How to compare ACT to SAT scores  using the same concordance table that colleges use to understand scores. Related: how the SAT and ACT are scaled explains why students should not choose tests or test dates based on misguided notions of the â€Å"curve.† 4. Super-scoring, Score Choice, repeat testing, and colleges accepting self-reported scores Super-scoring and Score Choice policies for 360 popular colleges, identifying which colleges combine scores across test dates and which require submission of all scores. Also a discussion of how to evaluate repeat testing decisions. Finally, a list of the colleges that will accept self-reported scores from applicants. 5. Understanding the choice between the SAT and ACT ACT is now more popular than the SAT, even among the highest-scoring students. Who are the students who should choose the SAT over the ACT  and why? What kind of leisure reading will help you on the SAT and ACT, why not to be afraid of ACT Science, how to interpret the new ACT score report, and how to handle the ACT’s aggressive pacing. 6. SAT/ACT essay An up to date list of which colleges require or recommend the SAT or ACT essay, how to decide what is a good essay score, a comparison of what each assignment asks of students, and more detailed guidance on SAT essay strategies and ACT essay strategies. 7.  Subject Tests Which colleges require or recommend Subject Tests, a detailed Subject Tests FAQ, an analysis of what is a good Subject Test score, an assessment of the five most popular Subject Tests, and discussion of what the future holds for Subject Tests and why fewer colleges are requiring Subject Tests. 8. Special testing accommodations A detailed reviews of the process involved in applying for and receiving SAT and ACT accommodations. 9. The PSAT What to do with your PSAT scores, how to use PSAT scores to consider SAT vs. ACT, a breakdown of the National Merit process and the Semifinalist cutoffs in each state for the class of 2019 and predicted ranges for the class of 2020, and explanations of  how to access PSAT scores online and how to interpret the PSAT report. 10. Compass services Our approach to private tutoring, the online tutoring option for students outside of CA and NY, no-obligation diagnostic testing and the powerful insights our reporting engine provides, a list of references and testimonials from schools that rely on us, background on our companys leadership, and an introduction to our elite team of tutors.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mutli-Agent Based Modeling - 699 Words

Multi Agent System/Agent Based Modeling Multi-agent systems are among the methods used for modeling and simulating Natural Disaster emergencies. The terminology of Agent Based System tends to be used more often in the sciences and Multi Agent System in engineering and technology. The Agent Based System is gradually replacing the micro-simulation techniques and object-oriented simulation. Agent Based System has ability to capture different dynamic models which usually consist of simple entities or more complex entities. We have proposed a specific agent-based methodological framework allowing, from modeling to simulation, the production of observables at different levels of details related to a Natural Disaster organization. A Multi Agent System can model the behavior of a set of entities. Agents have a degree of autonomy and are immersed in an environment in which and with which they interact. Modelers can use Multi Agent System to create computer representations of dynamic events such as Natural Disaster emergency. Therefore, the application of Multi Agent System in this area could help managers to experiment all possible scenarios of a disaster and assist them in making decisions. A multi-agent based system is a powerful modeling technique for simulating individual interactions in a dynamic system and is distinctive in its ability to simulate situations with unpredictable behavior Earlier researches have focused on modeling of the rescue during Natural Disasters, butShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Of Production And Utilization4645 Words   |  19 Pagesresearch, the supply chain concept grew largely out of two-stage multi-echelon inventory models, and it is important to note that considerable progress has been made in the design and analysis of two-echelon systems. Most of the research in this area is based on the classic work of Clark and Scarf (1960) and Clark and Scarf (1962). The interested reader is referred to Federgruen (1993) and Bhatnagar, et. al. (1993) for comprehensive reviews of models of this type. More recent discussions of two-echelonRead MoreGlobalization Of Production And Consumption Builds Weight On Firms9648 Words   |  39 Pagesthe quantity of associations, while reliance alludes to subjective viewpoints, for example, the level and kind of interdependencies between connections (Standish, 2008). From the frameworks and system hypothesis points of view, supply chain is a mutli-dimensioned system of interconnected, reliant hubs with non-straight connections that plan to give worth to the client overall (Ivanov and Sokolov, 2009). By standing out this definition from the above meaning of many-sided quality we view supply chains

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasive Essay On The Atomic Bomb - 1037 Words

During the early morning of August 6, 1945, after numerous years of conflict between the US and Japan in the Pacific, the Enola Gay, an American B-29 bomber, loaded with a new and destructive weapon, soared across the sky over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Seconds later, that new weapon- an atomic bomb that released its destructive energy by the splitting of uranium atoms- lit up the sky, killing nearly 80,000 Japanese civilians instantly. Three days later, the United States dropped a second bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki, which resulted in about 40,000 more instant deaths. Thousands of more Japanese civilians died over time due to radiation sickness, leukemia, and other types of cancer. After losing thousands of people,†¦show more content†¦Although Truman realized that â€Å"an atomic bomb explosion would inflict damage and casualties beyond imagination,† he believed it would be the most effective approach in destroying the heartless nation of Japan (do c 1). Harry Truman also concluded that an invasion of Japan could cost as many as 1,000,000 American casualties. Therefore, if the US used atomic bombs against Japan, Japan would hopefully surrender, thus decreasing the number of American casualties. In agreement with Truman, Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, explained that the destruction of HIroshima and Nagasaki â€Å"stopped the fire raids, and the strangling blockade; it ended the ghastly specter of a clash of great land armies† (doc 3). An end to the massive number of bombs dropped, the blockade (?), and the horrific menace between Allied and Axis powers, caused the death toll in the Pacific to adequately decrease. In addition to saving thousands of American lives, it was in the United State’s best interest to force the Japanese to surrender, and to put an end to the immense fighting that occurred in the Pacific. In stark contrast to Admiral William Leahy’s opinion that â€Å"the Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender,† there was never an indication that the Japanese were going to surrender, let alone accept unconditional surrender (doc 2). As displayed during many battles with Japan, for instance Iwo Jima, the Japanese would sooner kill themselves than surrender. JapaneseShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On The Atomic Bomb1656 Words   |  7 PagesIntroductionï’ £ In 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped over Japan on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which resulted in thousands of civilian deaths and a detrimental impact on the environment. Some people would say that the bombing was necessary to end the war, but in the same breath would say that it was inhumane. Other standpoints say that Japan was already on their way to surrender. What would the world be like if the bombs weren’t dropped; or even created? Other Optionsï’ £ When thinking of other optionsRead MorePersuasive Essay On The Atomic Bomb1602 Words   |  7 Pagesfunding for the American-led effort to develop an atomic weapon. This project was codenamed â€Å"The Manhattan Project.† The original motivation to create an atomic bomb was out of fear that Nazi Germany was pursuing their own atomic project. When the United States successfully tested their nuclear weapon in July 1945, Germany had already surrendered, and the focus of the Allied powers was on the defeat of Imperial Japan. Ultimately, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japanese cities in early August 1945Read MoreWhy the United States Dropped the Atomic Bomb: Persuasive Essay1259 Words   |  6 PagesThe atomic bomb is the subject of much controversy. Since its first detonation in 1945, the entire world has heard the aftershocks of that blast. Issues concerning Nuclear Weapons sparked the Cold War. We also have the atomic bomb to thank for our relative peace in this time due to the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). The effects of the atomic bomb might not have been the exact effects that the United States was looking for when they dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and NagasakiRead MoreThe Atomic Bombs On Hiroshima And Nagasaki982 Words   |  4 PagesHiroshima, it only makes me wonder what was going through the mind of President Harry Truman when he gave the â€Å"green light† to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It has been more than 70 years since that happened and the conclusion of World War II, and yet the legacy remains in our modern day history books and class lectures. But was deploying the atomic bombs on Japan really necessary? What was Truman thinking? And did the end really justify the means? Truly, upon reading Takaki’s HiroshimaRead MoreIf Black English Isn t A Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?1434 Words   |  6 Pagesview language as a persuasive political instrument and others view it as a m eans of expression and empowerment. In the essay â€Å"If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?† by James Baldwin, he was able to illustrate the history of the discrimination of language and how Black English is not accepted as its own language. Baldwin also shows that due to the lack of acknowledgement of Black English, it lacks the power it needs to empower the people who speak it. In the essay â€Å"Politics and theRead MoreLanguage : A Political Instrument1449 Words   |  6 Pagesview language as a persuasive political instrument and others view it as a means of expression and empowerment. In the essay â€Å"If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?† by James Baldwin, he was able to illustrate the history of the discrimination of language and how black English is not accepted as its own language. Baldwin also shows that due to the lack of acknowledgement of black English, it lacks the power it needs to empower the p eople who speak it. In the essay â€Å"Politics and theRead MoreLanguage : A Political Instrument1460 Words   |  6 Pagesview language as a persuasive political instrument and others view it as a means of expression and empowerment. In the essay â€Å"If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?† by James Baldwin, he was able to illustrate the history of the discrimination of language and how black English is not accepted as its own language. Baldwin, also, shows that due to the lack of acknowledgement of black English, it lacks the power it needs to empower the people who speak it. In the essay â€Å"Politics and theRead MoreIlluminati Paper Persuasive1717 Words   |  7 PagesManar khateeb Mr. Carli Persuasive (Final Draft) Com 102 6:30 March 20, 2011 The Illuminati The illuminati are a secret society that infiltrated government to rule the world. It all started in Bavaria on May 1st 1776 by group of European higher ups lead by Adam Weishaupt. Adams philosophy was that the Illuminati should one day rule the world with a one world government, or a new world order. Adam Weishaupt said, â€Å"The great strength of our order lies in its concealment, let it never appear inRead MoreZadeh Rhetorical Analysis1952 Words   |  8 Pagesmakes sure to back up his claims with facts given by very credible sources and personal involvement. Since he is a co founder/CEO of Zoosk, his credibility can be seen by his obvious successes, as Zoosk is a multimillion dollar company. 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Consequences of Algal Blooms free essay sample

If there is a decrease in the number of grazers in the environment in which the algae are occurring, the algae would thrive as there would be not be enough of these available on the algae to keep the algae population under control. Temperature plays a key factor as most algae especially blue-green algae thrive in warmer temperatures. The optimal temperature for algae growth is usually 25 ? C and most algae are not able to survive in cold conditions. An increase in nutrients is also a factor in the increase in algal blooms. When nutrients containing phosphorus and nitrogen enters water ways from agricultural land and through soil erosion this causes an increase in algal blooms since nutrients encourage growth of algae. This process is known as eutrophication and is an increasing problem globally. Algal blooms out compete organisms and decolorize water. Some algae are able to produce toxins known as neurotoxins and are referred to as Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB’s). The cyanobacteria which are blue-green produce harmful toxins which have harmful effects on humans, birds, shellfish, fishes and other marine organisms. A few forms in which HAB’s can occur are red tides and golden tides. Red tides belong to a group of dinoflagelates and are produced by microscopic alga called Karenia brevis, and golden tides belong to the group chrysophyta. There are many consequences of the occurrence of HAB’s such as death of aquatic life, health and economic effects. The accumulation of algal blooms affects aquatic life in many ways. Too much algae clogs the gills of fish thereby irritating the gills of the fish and eventually suffocating them since it is difficult for the gills to take in oxygen. When there is a rapid increase in algae, they use up all the available nutrients needed for their survival such as Phosphorus and nitrogen. This causes mass mortality of the algae which causes bacteria which assist in the decaying process of the algae to increase. These bacteria use up most of the oxygen supply in the water causing aquatic organisms which depend on oxygen for survival to die or migrate. Some algae release dinoflagellate toxins which are very deadly and have been known to kill mussels, fish and abalone which ingest and digest these deadly toxins. Marine animals are not only affected animals such as cattle, fish, birds, sheep, pigs and a variety of other animals have died through the inhalation and consumption of these species. Humans are also affected by the toxins released by algal blooms. When humans inhale the toxins released by the algae this has many harmful effects. Also, when fish and shellfish consume algae the toxins accumulates inside their body. When larger organisms feed on them the toxins are passed up the food chain and eventually to humans who eat seafood. Some of the diseases which occur in humans due to toxins found on algae include Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, (NSP), Brevetoxin/repiratory irritation (BRI) and amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). CFP is a gastrointestinal illness caused by a marine toxin called ciguatoxin or maititoxin. Ciguatoxin has a tendency to accumulate inside large fish such as barracudas, snappers, and other marine fish. CFP is then transferred to the humans through consumption. Symptoms due to the contraction of CFP include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increased heartbeats and tingling of hands and feet. NSP is caused through the consumption of infected shellfish. This leads to severe symptoms such as respiratory problems, diarrhea and vomiting. BRI is caused through the inhalation of harmful toxins released by the HAB’s. The symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing and eye irritation. ASP is caused by the accumulation of domic acid in shell fish which are produced by the organisms Pseudo-nitzschia. The effects of the consumption of the affected food by humans include confusion, memory loss, disorientation, stress and in some cases result in coma and death. There are many economic consequences due to the accumulation of algal blooms. Many industries, fisheries and shell fish beds have been either closed, or decreased in their number of productions. Fish sales decline because consumers are afraid of purchasing fish for fear of toxins. This causes fish vendors to lose a lot of sales and money and many fall into bankruptcy. Closure of many tourism and recreational facilities has also resulted in mass economic losses skyrocketing into the millions, especially for countries which depend on tourism as their primary source of income. Health impacts have also caused severe financial losses as a lot of money now has to be allocated for the treatment and cure of the diseases caused by algal blooms. Many water systems and supplies have also been contaminated by algal blooms, this result in increased cost of water purification methods in order to make water potable. Also, Governments must now allocate finances for the prevention and treatment of algal blooms. The aquaculture industry have also been impacted economically due to blooms namely Heterosigma threatening to destroy endangered salmon thereby impacting on the salmon industry. There are many ways in which algal blooms can be monitored and kept under control. The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act which was established in 1998 which recognizes the impact of algal blooms to aquatic life, human health and coastal systems. Through this act there are many implementations put in place to help monitor and prevent these HAB’s. There are now programs in place which monitor the outbreaks of algal blooms and in which there is constant testing of shellfish and fish. Monitoring of water for the occurrence of dead fishes, beaching of marine life and observation of colour appearing in water are done to detect the outbreak of neurotoxins so that warnings can be issued when found. Also, research is being done for the detection of toxic phytoplankton in water ways. In this way methods can be done to prevent outbreaks before they even occur. Satellite monitoring is also one of the methods implemented for the detection of offshore blooms. This method allows for warning and alerting areas of potential outbreaks before it occurs so that methods can be put in place for their prevention. Algal blooms have many consequences. They threaten the breakdown of ecosystems, kill marine life, and have many harmful effects on humans. They also have huge economic effects and cost millions of dollars in losses and millions have to be spent for their prevention and control. Although algae are a vital part of the aquatic system in that it provides food and shelter to many organisms. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Therefore algal blooms need to be prevented and kept under control so that there would be an aquatic ecosystem in the future for everyone to admire and enjoy.